
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A little late....

in many ways! I wanted to post this a few days ago but I am just getting around to it. We are expecting again! =) I took a test and ran off to carters to get DS a new shirt to be able to tell DH that he was gonna be a daddy again!!!

My DH and are extremely happy and excited about having two kids together! He has kids from previous.
I am just having a hard time emotional with this pregnancy.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My fitness pal

Two days straight using my fitness pal and I am loving it! I hope to see some result very soon. It is a very easy tool to use and I am eating the foods I love just portion control. I defiantly recommend everyone to use the site. And they have an app too if you have a smart phone, which I do not. But when I can get an upgrade I will be taking advantage of the app! Yesterday the LO and I went on a walk to the post off ice and around the town as well. He really enjoyed to time out of the house and I needed the walking.  Hope for that to become a norm for us.